Thursday, March 17, 2011

culture of nepal

Use of vastu Shastra was a wide spread practice in Nepalese culture.The Temples,Mathas, Chowks etc found in Nepal,especially within Kathmandu Valley, Which are established  in various periods of Nepalese history.These are prime examples of use of vastu in Nepal. Another Typical example of vastu being practiced in Nepal which is not obvious to general public is the use of Shagun. Shagun is a very important and symbolic practice in Newari culture, which has been practiced since ancient times. Shagun consist of five different varities of foods and it is believed that these represent five elements of the nature. Bara (Who) representing  the Ether,Egg representing the Earth, Ginger representing the Fire, Fish representing the Water and Meat representing the Air.
Shgagun is given to a person to consume when these things are going well e.g. promotion at work etc to wish them further success. Shagun is also given when things are not going well for a person e.g. after accident is believed that things don’t go well, When five elements of nature are not in harmony.As people are generally not aware of which elements out of five are causing this disharmony. It is believed that all the five elements are included is Shagun to cover all the grounds.The basic idea is that when a person consumes Shagun is balances all the five elements that are required for a successful healthy and happy life.

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